Year 3 and 4 Residential Fun
Published 02/10/24
Year 3 and 4 Residential to Dukes Barn
Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.
Year 3 and 4 Residential to Dukes Barn
If your child is starting school in September 2025, please come along for our open day.
Wonderful news following Ofsted inspection
Blessing of the Well at Peak Village
Year 5 and 6 visit Boggle Hole, Whitby for Seaside Residential
Magic Breakfast is a huge success!
Lea Green and School Sleepover Experience for Year 3 and 4
Kings and Queens for a Day at Haddon Hall
Building Effective Relationships Together (BERT) Award
World Book Day 2024
Year 5 and 6 travel back in time to World War II
Head over to the 'Children' tab to read Miss Lindley's blog of her visit to Cemetry School in Kolkata!