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Catch Up & Recovery Plan

Catch-Up and Recovery Premium

In order to support schools with school planning following the Covid-19 pandemic, the Education Endowment Foundation (EFF) has produced two help guidance documents:

The EEF guide to supporting school planning – A tiered approach to 2020-21 and Covid-19 support guide for schools.

These documents suggest schools plan using a tiered approach with respect to school improvement and also with respect to planning how to support children to catch-up. Information about the tiered approach and how we are supporting our pupils can be found below:

Tier 1 – Teaching (High-quality for all, effective diagnostic assessment, supporting remote learning and focussing on professional development.) Teaching and whole school strategies (Supporting great teaching, Pupil assessment and feedback and transition support)

Tier 2 – Targeted academic support (high quality one to one and small group tuition, teaching assistants and targeted support, academic tutoring, planning for pupils with SEND.)  Targeted approaches (One to one and small group tuition, Intervention programmes and extended school time)

Tier 3 – Wider strategies (supporting pupils' social, emotional and behavioural needs, planning carefully for adopting SEL (social and emotional learning) curriculum, supporting parents with pupils of different ages and successfully implementation in challenging times).  Wider strategies (supporting parents and carers, access to technology and summer support)