Peak Tor Federation Governors
A big welcome from the governors here at Rowsley C. of E. Primary School. Our school is federated with Stanton-in-Peak C of E Primary School. This means that the two schools have a shared Headteacher and Governing Body which operates in the best interest of each school both jointly and individually. This brings many benefits to each school on a management level and allows the Governors to work as a larger team.
Peak Tor Federation Governing Body has members varying from teachers, support staff, parents and members of the local community. We work as a team with the Executive Head Teacher for the benefit of all the pupils and staff at Rowsley C. of E. Primary School.
All governors are volunteers and have a diverse background, from education to health, business management to the Church of England. We're here to give the school a strategic direction and to act as 'a critical friend' – helping to guide the school and to improve the standard of education for all our children.
We ensure that local and national government legislation and targets are met, that we spend our school budget wisely, that the safety of everyone is paramount, and that the curriculum is delivered to benefit all children.
Governors take an active role in the school, not only attending meetings, but also school functions, undertaking visits to classrooms and helping out with school visits.
If you want to contact us, then we'd be happy to hear from you; please contact Alexia Wyer, Executive Headteacher, at school or via e-mail
The Peak Tor Federation Governors are:
Chair of Governors
Adrian Thornhill
Vice-Chair of Governors
Mike Lilley
Executive Headteacher
Alexia Wyer
Johnathan Figg
Thomas Hurford
Lee Webb
Matthew Isherwood
Margaret Lightowler-Cook
Daniel Burton
Sarah Earlam
Charlotte Camp
Claire Hewitt
Clerk to Governors
Jo Lofts