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Marcus Rashford Class

Welcome to The Marcus Rashford Class page

Why Marcus Rashford?

No, it's not just because I am a Manchester United fan. 

Marcus Rashford spent the early part of lockdown helping to deliver food to families who relied on free school meals. When the government announced the free meals programme would not be extended over the summer holidays, he wrote an emotive and persuasive open letter to MPs, imploring them to reverse that decision and help feed the 1.3 million families whose children risked going hungry as a result of it. “This is about humanity,” he wrote. “Looking at ourselves in the mirror and feeling like we did everything we could to protect those who can’t, for whatever reason or circumstance, protect themselves.”

“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.”
Proverbs 31:8-9

If you have any queries or questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at

Ancient Maya

Find out your spirit animal at


World War II Day 

We had a wonderful day on our WW2 day and it was great to see that everyone made such a great effort with their costumes. During the day there were regular air-raid warnings where the children had to either take cover under the tables or in the 'air-raid shelter' (the cloakroom); a WW2 style packed lunch; measuring their rationing of sweets; a make-do and mend session with the wonderful ladies from the local craft group and a 1940s style PE lesson. 


Bridge Building 

We became engineers to research, design, build and evaluate bridges. Our brief was to build a bridge at least 30cm long, 10cm wide and be able to take 500g. We all succeeded and worked well in our teams. It was fabulous to hear the engineering talk going on and they all worked safely with the glue gun. 



We sometimes use Padlet in English. This week we are using it in our Grammar lessons. We will be learning about expanded noun phrases. - check out our work on the link. 


We have been doing some wonderful art work this half-term. 

Autumn 1 was about movement and the artist Emil Nolde. We took photos of ourselves in dance positions. We then downloaded them onto a paint program and changed the colours to complementary colours. We then used this image as inspiration for our paint project. We layered up different colours and then added finer details using pencil and pastels. 

Autumn 2 is a printing unit. We will be learning about the artist Katsushika Kokusai who used a variety of printing techniques. We will then start to use acrylic paints on a selli plate to do some layered printing of our own. We have started the unit by creating a background and then adding detail using black and white pens. They are really effective. We will be taking this further to create a three layered prints of leaves. 


Maths in Action

Making Roman Numerals

Christmas Reading Challenge

Who doesn't love to curl up in their p.j's with a hot chocolate and a good book? 

One of our favourite sessions in the run-up to Christmas is pyjama and book day. We all share books brought in from home and the children are placed in groups and move around to different staff members who share a story or two. We finish the afternoon off with a hot chocolate, squirty cream and marshmallows! 

You can find a good choice of poetry on the link below:

A copy of the Christmas Reading Challenge can be found at the very end of our page. 


SATs results for those who sat the paper 2022-23

Reading 60% Expected or above (40% of which was Greater Depth)

Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling 60% Expected or above- (20% of which was Greater Depth)

Writing 60% Expected or above

Maths 80% Expected or above- (20% of which was Greater Depth)

SATs results from 2021-2022

Reading: 84% received Expected or above

Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling: 84% Expected or above

Writing: 77% received Expected or above

Maths 62% 

The percentage of children who passed all their papers either at Expected level or above was 62%.

Year 5/6 Info

Our School Day

The school day starts from 8;50am with doors closing at 9am.

The children will have morning activities from 8.50, which they are expected to access independently. Morning activities are usually English based i.e. Grammar & punctuation, spelling practice or reading but it can also be finishing off or responding to marking. 

9.30-10.30 - English  

10.30-10.45 - Break 

10.45 -11.00 - Handwriting

11.00 - 12.00 - Maths lesson

12.00-13.00 - Lunch Time

13.00 - 13.30 - Whole Class Reading

13.30 - 14.45 - Foundation Subjects 

14.45 15.00 - Daily Mile

15.00 - 15.20 - Collective Worship

15.20 - 15.30 - Story Time

15.30 - Home time

Please note that pencil cases are NOT required. ALL resources are provided for. 

Please provide a labelled water bottle for your child.  

Your child may bring a healthy snack into school for break time. 


KS2 will be going to the woods every Wednesday afternoon. Please make sure that they bring wellies and waterproofs in a separate bag - your child MUST have trousers and a long sleeved top for the woods sessions. 


P.E. will be held on a Wednesday and Friday afternoon - children MUST come in the correct school PE kit.  Friday mornings will also involve swimming for all Y5 and some Y6s. Swimming kits must be brought in on this day. 

PE Kit

Navy blue/black shorts or joggers/leggings

White/Royal blue t-shirt 


School jumper

Woodland Kit

Children must bring  black/blue/grey joggers, their school long sleeved pullover. They must bring either wellies or walking boots. They will need a waterproof coat and waterproof trousers and, for when the weather turns colder, a hat and gloves. 

Please note that the children will go to the woods in all weathers except for high wind so must have the correct clothing in school. The woods are very shaded so even on a seemingly warm day, it can get chilly. 



Your child will be expected to read at least 4 times a week - their reading records are collected in every Monday morning. At this stage they are not expected to read out loud to an adult every time, but should be heard at least once a week by a grown up. Every child who has read 4 or more times in the week will earn themselves 5 dojos  

Your child will come home with a reading book from our reading challenge scheme. Their reading book should be in school EVERY DAY. 


Your child will be sent home with four maths tasks per week, your child should spend no more than 10 minutes on each task. One of the tasks may be TTRS as knowing their times tables is extremely important in UKS2 and is a skill needed for KS3. 

Maths homework will be collected in on a Monday. The children will get 5 dojos for all 4 tasks completed and handed in on the correct day. 


Spellings will be sent out on a Friday and tested on a Friday. They will also be available on Spelling Shed, which your child will have a log in for. Please make sure your child practices at home for their test. 


In Year 5/6, I work hard to get your child ready for Secondary School where they will be expected to complete a variety of homework tasks covering all subjects of the curriculum. Getting into a good routine at this stage stands them in good stead for their future. Please encourage your child to complete their homework independently. 

Y5/6 Homework Club

Homework Club will be held every Monday from 3.30 to 4.00. This is a chance for the children to get assistance with their maths homework, or just a time to get it completed at the start of the week.  

These are drop in sessions so there is no need to book and the children don't have to attend every week. 

The homework is completed in a relaxed and informal setting. So far it has been well-attended and the children like getting their homework completed with my assistance and all out of the way in one go. 

Some reviews: 

"It's good. Brilliant. It gets your homework done so you don't have to do it in the week." (Y5 child) "I love it because it saves me tears at home." (Y6 Child)

Parents love it too - "It's brilliant, I find explaining maths difficult so it makes home-life much better if it can be done in school." (Parent of Y6 child).

"It has saved my child from getting upset about it at home. It is completed and out of the way when it is completed at homework club." (Parent of Y6 child)


The children's safety and well-being is of paramount importance to us. 

Our Designated Safeguarding leads are: Mrs Hewitt, Mrs Hodgson and Mrs Wyer

Our Safeguarding Governor is Mrs Rachel Allen-Ashcroft.


If you are feeling stressed or anxious please talk to one of us in confidence or you can go to:

Useful links are also included on our monthly newsletters.

Mount Cook Residential 2023


DT Woodwork Robots 2023

In Spring 2023 we started our DT topic on robots. The children designed their robots once they had decided on their clockwork pieces, they then used saws, drills and hammers (it was very noisy) to make their funky little robots. The children added their own personalities to their robots - we had disco dancing robots, smiling robots and grumpy robots! The children then evaluated their designs - thinking about what they could change should they make their robots again. It was great fun. 

Amazing team work resulted in yet another win. This time in hockey!! WHAT A TEAM! 2023

World Book Day

Spring 2023

This half term our topic was Dragon People. This is one of my favourite topics to teach. The children learned all about the Shang Dynasty of Ancient China. 

Terracotta Warriors

Dragon-Eye Mood Boards

History - Ancient Chinese Writing


In PSHE the children learned about keeping themselves health in body and mind. They finished the unit by writing some ideas for looking after their mental health:

Don't play computer games; playing football is good.

If you read a book it’s peaceful and you can learn stuff.

Come off your console and do some cycling because it’s a life skill.

Go outside and build a den with a friend; it is fun. 

Go and read a book because it takes you to magical and mythical places where your wishes come true. Going to the park is way better than going on a screen.

Get outside and get some fresh air.

Don’t waste your life spending your time on technology , go and get some fresh air.

 Go for a walk with your dog.

Come off your game and invite friends and play sports.

Play with your pets; it will be fun.

Play outside,  it is good for you to play with your friends.

You can play with your friends.

Build things with Lego.

Football Champs 2023

E-Safety Websites

See the 5 SMART ways to stay safe online poster below for ways to keep your child safe online. 

Staying Safe on the Internet

Useful Websites 

Explanation text Padlet

Topic Webs