Safeguarding for children
You will hear the word safeguarding around school. But what does it mean and why do we talk about it?
Like it says in the name, safeguarding is how adults and yourselves can keep safe. At Rowsley C of E Primary School all staff in school take this role very seriously. Our number 1 priority is to keep you safe.
We talk about safeguarding all the time and we think it is important that you know how we can help you, and how you can help keep yourself safe.
If at any point you feel that you are not safe either at school, at home, at a friend's or relative's house, or when you are out and about, then you must tell a trusted adult. This can be a parent, relative or an adult at school.
The main safeguarding leads at Rowsley are Mrs Wyer, Mrs Hewitt and Mrs Hodgson but you can speak to any adult at Rowsley. We will always listen and take your concerns seriously.
To help you understand what safeguarding is we teach you about safeguarding throughout the year in a variety of ways i.e. Collective Worship, in PSHE lessons, we invite speakers in to talk to you i.e. the police, and when ever we feel it is needed!
Our Designated Safeguarding leads are:
We have also talk about being safe online. For more information you can visit: