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Sports Premium

What is the Sport Premium?

The Government has provided additional funding to provide new, substantial primary school sport funding in order to improve the provision of physical education and sport in primary schools. This funding has been jointly provided by the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport, and will see money going directly to schools to be spent on improving the quality of sport and PE for all their children. 

This funding can only be spent on provision for PE and sport in schools. We will be held accountable for how we have used the additional funding to support pupils’ progress and participation in PE and school sport. 

Suggestions for future years have included:

To be updated shortly

What is the Impact of Sports Premium on our Pupils?

The Sports Premium has enabled our pupils to engage with a wide range of sporting activities throughout the academic year. As a result  our pupils have developed their physical attributes and improved engagement with physical activities showing high levels of physical literacy. 

Activities that have enabled the Sports Premium to have a long term impact of the physical well-being of our pupils have included the following:

  • weekly high quality PE lessons using improved resources
  • specialised coaches in rugby, athletics and cricket
  • improved pupil awareness of road safety through Bikeability (Juniors) and Balanceability (Infants)
  • weekly swimming lessons for Junior pupils; 
  • opportunities to participate in a wide range of competitive events with our local cluster schools (and win some!)
  • annual residential for Junior pupils to try new outdoor activities with specialised instructors
  • annual outdoor experience for Infant pupils 
  • high levels of participation in extra curricular sports clubs that are organised by school staff
  • a lunchtime play leader ensures that all of our pupils enjoy highly active lunchtimes
  • a weekly Forest School that enables our pupils to develop their self esteem and confidence whilst in the outdoors
  • parents and pupils who express high levels of satisfaction in PE provided by school

What do we cover in our PE curriculum at Rowsley?

In school we already provide a variety of activities to enable children to engage with sport and exercise at their own level. We believe that children should lead a healthy lifestyle that involves regular exercise, and that sport and exercise should become a lifelong source of enjoyment.

Every year we cover several physical skills and put them into practise by playing sports such as:

  • Invasion games (such as football/ hockey/ netball/ tag rugby)

  • Net/wall games (such as tennis/ badminton)

  • Gymnastic/ Dance activities

  • Swimming 

  • Athletics and multi-skills (running, jumping and throwing)

  • We are also continuing to develop our outdoor and adventurous activities inline with the National Curriculum. 

We also run sports clubs each year which have included several sports, such as: running, football, netball, ultimate frisbee, handball and core skills.