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Rowsley Rewards

Rewarding Children at Rowsley

The children at Rowsley do lots of amazing things every day.  Our favourite way to reward children is through verbal praise. We also encourage the children to recognise what their classmates have done well and to congratulate them.  In addition to this, there are different rewards and recognitions in school that children can work towards.


Every class has an online dojo page with an avatar for each child,  Children are awarded dojos for many different reasons, including making good choices, effort in their work and accomplishing something new.  Children are awarded 5 dojos if they read 4 or more times at home in a week and record it in their reading record.  Children in Ks2 (Y3-6) can also receive 5 dojos for completing their 4 weekly homework tasks. When children have earned 50 dojos, they get a 'dip in the tin' - a small treat from a selection kept in their classroom. When a class earns 1000 dojos, they get a class reward - this is an activity that they choose such as watching a film or free play outside.

Weekly Rewards

Every Friday in Collective Worship, Mrs Wyer gives out some different awards:

Star of the Week - teachers choose two children from their class to receive a Star of the Week certificate. This could be for anything from mastering a new times table to representing the school well in a sports competition.

Golden Calulcator - One child in the school receives the big, shiny Golden Calculator for achievement or effort in maths.  They keep this in their classroom for the week and can use it to check their work at the end of a lesson.

Writers' Toolkit - The Writers' Toolkit contains everything good writers need to do lovely writing. One child receives it every week for achievement or effort in writing and can use the equipment in it in class.

Rowsley Badges

The behaviours that we want children to demonstrate at Rowsley School are broken down into four badges that children can work towards: Bronze, SIlver, Gold and the much coveted, School Leader's award. Teachers keep a checklist in the classrooms and mark off when children have demonstrated a behaviour.  When children have demonstrated every behaviour on one of the badge checklists, they are presented with the badge by Mrs Wyer in assembly. The behaviours for each badge are on display in all classrooms for the children to look at. The children are expected to wear their badges every day to show their achievements.